Crematoria, cemeteries and wake venues near St Albans

St Albans funeral venues - choices for the residents of St Albans and the surrounding area


Council run crematoria

Privately run crematoria

Memorial Gardens


For residents of St Albans and Harpenden, the council run cemeteries are:

 For residents of Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield, the council run cemeteries are:

For residents of Hemel Hempstead and the Dacorum borough, the council run cemeteries are:

For residents of Watford, the council run cemeteries are:

Alternatives to crematorium / council cemetery options

Venues for memorial services

Venues for funeral wakes offering in house catering

Village hall wakes

(you might want to use the services of The Enchanted Catering Company in conjunction with these - see below) 

For wakes at home

NB For more details, please see blog post on 'funeral wake venues in St Albans, Watford and Hemel Hempstead'